Monday, December 9, 2013

Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer

Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer

Japan country not only because of the scenic highlights besides so many colorful culture. Ikebana is a word combination from Ikeru: make clean, revitalized and from hana: flower, which means giving life to flowers. Not only is plug the flowers in vases, ikebana is an art with many florists under Japanese rule can mount & all things human.

Read more: Flower arrangement:

Flower arrangement by zodiac

Flower arrangement of art

Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer
Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer
In particular, different European artistic flower arrangements with flowers boast countless test different colors, art Ikebana much emphasis on particular parts of plants such as leaves, stems & particularly interested in point shapes, beauty of the result. Ikebana flower arrangement artist introduced into the work myself thinking the array of colors, the beauty essence. So Ikebana according minimalist leanings, showing people carrying little but subtle ideas
Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer
Ikebana flower arrangement art for designer
The works of art ikebana flower arrangements often carry three main elements, representing sky, earth and human beings, or the sun, moon & earth. Primary vials flower also contributes to express the meaning of the work. In the wild roses, flower arrangement Ikebana art is extremely simple, including only 1 little body & green branch, it is called Kuge. Approaching the end of the fifteenth century, ikebana stronger.

Rikka form appears with the flowers was made ​​upright, symbolizing the beauty of nature, including 4 small branches Rikka style logo for the hills, waterfalls, valleys & many other rich jewel in heaven course. The trend for flower tea room called Chabana, but very very essence of Wildlife. Jiyuka flower shape is irregular at all. The flower can be used free of any type of flower you want. Now, with the changing times and modern society, ikebana flower arranging art has transformed into more types nuahon. Each type is very complicated, need to be taught about three to five years.


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